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Adroddiadau y Cyfrifiad

The Census returns

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Censuses on the site

1841   1851   1861   1871   1881   1891   1901  

Ystadegau/Statistics 2001


Beth yw'r Cyfrifiad?

What is the Census?

Ym 1801 penderfynnodd Llywodraeth Lloegr trefnu cyfrifiad, sef cyfrif faint o bobl oedd yn byw yn y wlad ar y pryd, a rhywbeth amdanynt. Penderfynwyd hefyd y byddent cael cyfrifiad tebyg pob deng mlynedd o hynny ymlaen.

Yn y cyfrifiadau gynnar (1801,1811,1821,1831) ni chafodd cofnodion unrhyw manylion bersonol am unigolion eu cadw ar ôl y cyfrifiad. Ond, o 1841 ymlaen, cadwyd manylion bersonol am bob un berson oedd yn byw yn y wlad ar noson y cyfrifiad: eu henwau, eu cyfeiriadau, eu hoed, ble ganwyd, a'i galwedigaeth. Yn ystod y blynnyddoed ganlynol, fe ychwanegodd nifer o gwestiynau eraill, megis statws briodasol, perthynas i pen y teulu ac, yn 1891, pa iaith y siaradent.

Cedwir manylion bersonol sy'n cael eu casglu gan y cyfrifiad yn cudd am ganrif ar ôl y cyfrifiad: cyhoeddir manylion ystadegol yn unig. Felly, nid oes modd gweld manylion bersonol ar ôl 1901 ar hyn o bryd.

Oherwydd y Rhyfel, ni chynhaliwyd cyfrifiad yn 1941.

In 1801 the English Government decided to hold a census, that is a count of how many people lived in the country at the time, and something about them. It was also decided to hold a similar census every ten years from then on.

In the early censuses (1801,1811,1821,1831) no personal details about individuals were kept after the census. But from 1841 onward personal details were kept about every individual alive on the night of the census: their names, addresses, ages, where they were born and their profession. During the following years further questions were added, such as marital status, relationship to the head of the family and, in 1891, what language they spoke.

Personal details which are collected for the census are kept secret for 100 years afterwards: only statistical extracts are published. Therefore, at the moment, we cannot see any personal details from a census after 1901.

Due to the war, there was no Census in 1941.


Cyfansymiau 1801-2001

Totals 1801-2001

Year Date Male Female Total Households
1801 March 9/10 229248477114
1811 May 26/27 263293556127
1821 May 27/28 285341626120
1831 May 29/30 472354826190
1841 June 6/7 480504984193
1851 March 30/31 474485959204
1861 April 7/8 451516967216
1871 April 2/3 4955551050226
1881 April 3/4 432473905206
1891 April 5/6 311365676169
1901 Mar 31/Apr 1 290357647176
1911 April 2/3 321362683172
1921 June 19/20 268332600163
1931 April 26/27 251301552165
1941 No census ------------
1951 April 8/9 245252497161
1961 April 23/24 216233449179
1971 April 25/26 221255476165
1981 April 5/6 242264506187
1991 April 21/22 300316616235
2001 April 29/30 337304641264
Graph of population 1801-2001
Poblogaeth Llangynfelyn / Population of Llangynfelyn 1801 - 2001


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