Hanes a dogfennau
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Letter to W B Jones concerning the Dolclettwr and Llain-hir Mines.

The Dolclettwr and Llain-hir Copper and Lead Mines Co. Ltd, Cardiganshire

144 Bath Street, Glasgow

August 15th 1887

To the Right Revd the Lord Bishop of St Davids,
Abergwili Palace,

My Lord Bishop,

When I had this honour on 16th June 1886 my directors were sanguine of bringing either the Dolclettwr or Llain-hir mine into a paying condition, to which end they gratefully acknowledge your lordship’s accession to their wishes unto suspension of charges for dead rent on the property, in the circumstances then explained. They have however, I regret to say, been much disappointed in regard to both mines, and they felt compelled, very reluctantly, towards the end of last year, to cease active operations there for the time being.

Rather, however, than abandon the district altogether they were encouraged by certain favourable reports and indications to make a further trial on the property belonging to Sir P Pryse, which immediately adjoins, and having sunk a shaft to about 10 fathoms they have made a good discovery of Lead ore and are now engaged in a promising lode from which there has already been raised such mineral as for richness and apparent abundance promises well for the future.

There is however no machinery on the spot for dressing the same, and the company have no other means of dealing with it than to cart t, a mile and a half, to Dolclettwr, where they have suitable appliances for the purpose. I am therefore desired by my directors to request the favour of your lordships sanction to this arrangement, and that you will not make any objection to this being done, nor any charge for the use of the ground on which the company’s machinery stands, the more so as a good deal of employment is now being afforded to the people in the neighbourhood, and if the present venture turns out well the company may be so placed in funds as to encourage them, later on, to try once more what can be done with the above mentioned mines. Much money has already been spent without return, and the directors trust your lordship’s response to their request will be favourable.

I am, My Lord Bishop, your lordship’s obedient servant,

Peter Ferguson

LlGC/NLW Evans and Griffin 12

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