In the name of God Amen. the one and twentieth day of Aprill, in the / six year of the Reigne of our sov'raigne Lady Anne by the Grace of God of England / Scotland &c. and in the year of our Lord God one Thousand seven hundred & seven / I James John of Gwedd ynis in the p'ish of Llangynvelin, in the County of Cardigan / gent, being sick in body, but of sound and p'fect mind & memory, doe constitute / make and ordaine this my last will and Testament, revoaking & annulling / all other former wills, and Executors by me in any wise heretofore, made or willed / allowing and confirmeing this and none other to be my last will & Testament / in manner and forme following. First & principally I recomend my soul into / the hands of thalmighty God my maker and redeemer, and my body to be de- / cently burried in the p'ish Church of the sayd p'ish according to the discreation / of my Executors herein and hereafter named, It'm I give and devise unto my / onely son John James all my Lands and Tenements with theire app'tenances / forthwith after my decease; It'm I give and bequeath unto my son in Law / Watkin Morgan and Catherine his wife four of the best Bullocks th't was out last / winter on the moores, [the rest of the line has been blotted out] / about the latter End of June next after my decease; It'm I give / and bequeath unto my Grandchieldren Evan Watkin, James Watkin, & Elinor / Watkin, the number of Twenty yearlings to be devided amongst th'm Equally / imediately after my decease by my Executors. It'm I order and appoint my son / & heire John James to take out the well worth of Thirty five pounds and / six shillings of & from all my Beasts moveable towards paying him soe much / debt due to him from me. It'm I give & bequeath unto my s'd son & heire Jo'n / James the worth of five pounds of Oxen or Bullocks imediatly after my decease, / all the rest and residue of my horses, sheep, oxen, Bullocks, & all other Cattle / moveable, I give and bequeath unto my Grand Chieldren, the Chieldren of / John James, named James John, William John, and Richard John, to be divided / Equally amongst th'm. It'm I give and bequeath unto my Loveing sister Lowry / John halfe a Teal of pie or pild corn, w'ch she thinks fitt, imediately after my / decease, It'm I give and bequeath unto my sayd son & heire John James all / the rest and residue of Goods Cattles, Chattles, and p'sonall Estate, and not herein / before given and bequeathed, and whome I doe hereby nominate & appoint to be / sole Executor as well to pay off all my debts, Legacies, and funerall Expences, as also / to rayse and recov'r all mann'r of debts, dues, and rights, oweing & payable unto me / from others. In Witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and / seal Even the day and year above herein written
Signed, read, published and declared
in the pr'sense and sight of The mark of the said
Griff. Thomas James J J Johnm
Thomas Hugh
Ja. Evans
14to die Junii 1707
Memorandu' th't the most p'te of the / sixteenth Probatu' fait Hoc Testamentu' [... to John
line was blotted out in the / pr'sense and sight James]
of us who are witnesses / to the above will
Abstract of codicil
The bequest to my grandchildren James John, William John, and Richard John is to be divided as follows, a moiety or half to my godson and grandchild James John, and the other moiety to William John and Richard John, and I appoint my friend William Morgan of Grigewen and my kinsman James Evans of Winllan to see that my grandchildren be righted.
Debts due to me from others are as follows:
Richard John Evan of co. Mont. for oxen sold, £3 17s. 6d. and 10 s. charges, and upwards
Mrs Elizabeth Jones per bill, £4 5s. 0d.
Watkin Morris D'd of co. Mont., 11s.
David Thomas late of Nant bir, 16s.
Thomas D'd Lloyd ab Evan of Elarch, 13s. and upwards
Griffith Richard John of Caylan, 19s.
Thomas John Richard of Henllis, 5s. 6d.
Morris Evan and Richard William of Mochno, 5s.
Jenkin David of Blaen y Clettwr, £1 15s. 0d.
William Lewis of Llwine y wallter, 11s.
Richard Morris Pugh of co. Mont., 10s.
Jenkin Morris Pugh, 5s.
Jane Lloyd, 5s.
Rees Thomas, £1 2s. 0d.
John David James and Richard William of Mochno, £4 0s. 6d.
Hugh Thomas, miller, 3s.
Lowry Rowland, 5s.
Griffith Hugh, dier, 7s.
Owen John, mercer, 10s.
Humphrey Evan, weaver, £1 10s. 6d.
David Oliver of Iland, 7s. 6d.
Richard Hugh Crowther and Thomas Crowther, 5s.
Debts due from me to others are as follows:
My son and heir John James, £35 6s., mentioned in my will.
In the presence of: The mark of the said
Griff. Thomas
James I I John
Thomas Hugh
Ja. Evans
Abstract of inventory
£ s. d.
one pair of oxen
nine cows and one calf
ten bullocks
eight small bullocks
five heifers
four small heifers
one mare with a colt
four other small horses
fifty ewes and fifty lambs
thirty nine yearlings
one hundred and sixy five barren sheep
corn in the hagard and in the ground
all the household stuff, implements of husbandry, and his apparel
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