Newidiadau i'r safle |
Changes to the site |
Mae cynlluniau uchelgeisiol gennym ar gyfer dyfodol y safle hwn. Rydym yn ychwanegu pethau newydd i'r safle sawlgwaith y flwyddyn. 'Tasech chi am dderbyn neges e-bost pan fydd fersiwn newydd, cysylltwch â ni. | We have ambitious plans for the development of this site. We add new material to the site several times a year. If you would like to be sent an e-mail whenever there is an update, please contact us. |
26 Mawrth / March 2006 | ||
Newidiadau technegol: Ail-adeiladwyd rhan fwyaf y tudalennau ar y safle i ddefnyddio strwythur technegol tipyn gwahanol, yn bennaf er mwyn ychwanegu'r opsiynau chwilio a hysbysebu Google ar bob tudalen, ond hefyd i symleiddio gwaith cynnal a chadw yn y dyfodol. Dylai'r newidiadau fod yn anweledig i'r defnyddwyr, ond a fyddech chi adrodd unrhyw broblem yr ydych chi'n ei sylweddoli. Diolch. |
Technical changes: Most of the pages on the site have been rebuilt to use a slightly different technical setup, partly to enable the Google search and advertising options on every page, but also to simplify future maintenance. In general, the changes should not be visible to the user, but please report any problems you notice. Thanks. |
22 Mawrth / 22 March 2006 | ||
Llai na flwyddyn ers y diweddariad gynt...ond dyma ychydig o dameidiau blasus i chi am y tro. Mae Myfanwy Rowlands, Taliesin, wedi rhoi fenthyg ar nifer o darnau diddorol iawn i mi, gan gynnwys nifer o hen gardiau post hyfryd. Maent i gyd wedi'i sganio, ond dydyn nhw ddim i gyd yn barod i'r wefan eto. Fe'u hychwanegir nes ymlaen. Prif ychwanegiadau: Lloffion Llangynfelyn: y papur bro cyntaf (1956-58) Tudalennau newydd: Nifer o Fapiau: Map o gyfuchliniau ar yr heol o Aberystwyth i Machynlleth (1911) ... sy'n cydfynd yn dda gyda'r fap hanner-modfedd gan Bartholomew 'for Tourists and Cyclists' o 1919 a'i fap heol chwarter modfedd o 1913 ... a hefyd gyda map 3 milltir i'r modfedd W ac A K Johnston ar gyfer modurwyr a cherddwyr o'r 1920au. Ac o gwpl o flynyddoed yn gynharach: map Thomas Kitchin o Sir Aberteifi yn 1764. ... ac am newid llwyr: hen siart y Morlys. Adroddiad o bapur newyddion ar ddarganfyddiad celc aur ger Ynyslas yn 1932 Detholiad o Gardiau Cynhebrwng. Tystiolaeth i'r Comiswn Brenhinol ar Dir yng Nghymru a Fynwy, 1894. Llyfr cyfrif Ardreth Eisteddleoed, Rehoboth. Newidiadau eraill: Ychwanegwyd mwy o loffion o The 'Times' a'r London Gazette. Anfoneb diddorol o Free Trade Hall yn 1897. Adroddiad ar gloddiad bellach o'rllwybr canoloesol a'r ffwrnais Rhufeinig gan Cambria Archaeology yn ystod Haf 2005. |
Less than a year since the last update...but here are a few bits to keep you amused. A number of items have been kindly lent to me by Myfanwy Rowlands of Taliesin, including some lovely old postcards. These have all been scanned, but not all are quite ready yet for the website, and will be added as time allows. Main additions: Lloffion Llangynfelyn: the first community newspaper (1956-58) New pages: A number of Maps: Map of the contours on the road from Aberystwyth to Machynlleth from 1911 ... which goes well with Bartholomew's half-inch map 'for Tourists and Cyclists' from 1919 and their quarter-inch road map from 1913 ... and also with W and A K Johnston's one-third-inch Motoring and Hiking Map from the 1920s. And from a few years earlier: Thomas Kitchin's map of Cardiganshire from 1764. ... and for a real change: an old Admiralty chart. Newspaper report of the discovery of a hoard of gold near Ynyslas in 1932 A selection of Funeral Cards. Evidence to the Royal Commission on Land in Wales and Monmouthshire, 1894. Pew Rent account book, Rehoboth. Other Changes: Added some more gleanings from The 'Times' and the London Gazette. An interesting invoice from Free Trade Hall in 1897. Report on further excavations on the mediaeval trackway and Roman furnace by Cambria Archaeology in Summer 2005. |
10 Ebrill / 10 April 2005 |
Ar ôl oediad byr(?), mae gwaith wedi ailddechrau ar wefan Llangynfelyn, ac mae llwyth o bethau newydd o bob math. Dylen ni fynd yn ôl i ychwanegiadau mwy aml o hyn ymlaen, oherwydd fy mod i wedi dechrau ar radd M.A. rhan amser yn Hanes Lleol yng Ngholeg y Drindod, Caerfyrddin, sy' wedi tynnu fy sylw at nifer o ffynhonellau newydd. Rydym hefyd wedi cael nifer o gyfraniadau bendigedig gan bobl lleol. Ychwanegir rheinny at y safle cyn bo hir. Prif ychwanegiadau: Sawl fersiwn achos llys diddan yn 1870 ynglŷn â 'bwndelu', sef caru ar y gwely:Cambrian News ac Illustrated Police News (gyda llun!). Cambrian News am 1877, ac erthygl ar Daliesin yn y 1860au a 70au o'r Cambo yn 1928, gan G Parry Jenkins. Mae nodiadau bywgraffiadol ychwanegol amG Parry Jenkins hefyd. Ystadegau amrywiol ar addysg o'r Committee of Council on Education. Anghofiwch hanes - beth sy'n digwydd nawr: Crynedeb cyfrifiad 2001. Mwy nodiadau gan deithwythr: Thomas Masleni yn 1826, A Gentleman's Tour through Monmouthshire and Wales, 1774 a darn o The Times yn 1954. Adran newydd sy'n gynnwys papurau ac erthyglau ymchwil, cyhoeddedig a heb eu cyhoeddi. I ddechrau, dyma erthyglau ar Hetwyr Llangynfelyn a The Enclosure and Drainage of Cors Fochno, 1813-47. Sawl dyfyniad o The Times a The London Gazette. Pamffled ar Fedd Taliesin (1968). Erthygl am Ganmlwyddiant Capel Soar yn 1977. Nodyn ar trefniant seddi yn yr eglwys yn 1845. Deddy y Tlodion: Cyfrifon y goruchwylwyr 1848-1868 a rhestr y goruchwylwyr 1848-1868. Bishop William Basil Jones: ei achau o Burke's Landed Gentry ac erthygl hir o Welsh Political and Educational Leaders in the Victorian Era. Ysgol Llangynfelyn: cyfrifiad o bob un plentyn dan 13 a oedd yn y plwyf yn 1877. Nifer o luniau a chardiau post newydd. Yr adroddiad cyntaf ar y llwybr canoloesol a ddarganfuwyd yn 2004. Sawl ychwanegiad at y tudalen Crwydriaid amrywiol page. |
After a short(?) delay work has started again on the Llangynfelyn website, and there's a large batch of new items, of all sorts. We should be able to get back to more frequent updates now, partly due to starting a part-time M.A. in Local History at Trinity College Carmarthen which is making me aware of a whole range of new sources, and a number of contributions contributions from people in the parish, which will be added to the site over time. Main additions: Several versions of a juicy court case in 1870 regarding the practice of 'bundling' - courting in bed:Cambrian News and the Illustrated Police News (with illustration!). Cambrian News for 1877, plus an article on Taliesin in the 1860s and 70s from the Cambo in 1928, by G Parry Jenkins. There are also some additional biographical details about G Parry Jenkins. Various educational statistics from the Committee of Council on Education. Forget history - what's happening now: the 2001 Census summary. A few more travellers' notes: Thomas Masleni in 1826, A Gentleman's Tour through Monmouthshire and Wales, 1774 and a piece from The Times in 1954. A new section containing research papers and articles, both published and unpublished. To start with there are articles on the Hatmakers of Llangynfelyn and The Enclosure and Drainage of Cors Fochno, 1813-47. Some extracts from The Times and The London Gazette. A pamphlet about Taliesin's Grave (1968). Article (in Welsh) about the Centenary of Soar Chapel in 1977. A note on seating arrangements in the Church in 1845. Poor Law: the Overseers' accounts 1848-1868 and list of overseers 1848-1868. Bishop William Basil Jones: his ancestry from Burke's Landed Gentry and a lengthy article from Welsh Political and Educational Leaders in the Victorian Era. Llangynfelyn School: a census of all children under 13 in the parish in 1877. A number of new picture and postcards. The initial report on the mediaeval trackway discovered in 2004. Some additions to the assorted Strays page. |
13 Ionawr / January 2003 | ||
Mae amser yn hedfan, ond tydi? Wel, ar ôl oediad hir arall, dyma ni gyda llwyth o newidiadau ac ychwanegiadau. Hir yw bob aros, ond gobeithio yr oedd yr oediad yn gwerth chweil. Rydym wedi symud i domain newydd (www.llangynfelyn.org) a gwasanaeth gwesteio newydd hefyd (petach chi'n sylweddoli dolennau wedi'i torri ar ôl y newidiadau, rhowch wybod i mi plîs.). Mae gwedd gwbl newydd ar y safle ac mae sawl tudalenau newydd bwysig iawn, a nifer o dameidiau diddorol neu ddifyr hefyd. Prif ychwanegiadau: Cofebion yr Hen Fynwent: trawsgrifiad y cerrig coffaol ym Mynwent yr Eglwys. Prisiad y Deddf Cyllid 1910: y 'Lloyd George Domesday' - pwy oedd yn berchenog ar bob tŷ a chae yn y plwyf yn 1910. Hanes Ysgol Llangynfelyn 1876-1976: mae'r saith pennod eraill ar gael nawr. Adran newydd: Cofnodion y Cyngor: Dyfyniadau o gofnodion yr hen Gyngor Sir Aberteifi a'i pwyllgorau. I ddechrau, dyma sawl bethau am Gofal Plant, Ffyrdd, Addysg a Iechyd Cyhoeddus Tudalennau newydd: Ychwanegwyd erthygl gan Martha Landers am sawl bobl o'r ardal a aeth i Oregon. Cofion am bywyd Esgob W B Jones gan Frederick Meyrick. Blwyddyn arall o'r Cambo - ar drothwy'r Ail Rhyfel - Cambrian News 1938. Llyfr Gorchmynion y Sesiwn Chwarterol 1817-1825. Adroddiad ar safon pontydd y Sir, 1878. Sawl erthygl ac enghreifftiau o waith y bardd Deio ab Ieuan Ddu. Cofnodydd William Hughes Bugail Deithiol y Sir, 1940-41. Newidiadau eraill: Map y safle newydd sbon! Rhestr o (bron) bob tudalen ar y safle. Manylion y Car cyntaf yn y plwyf yn 1910. Hefyd, maw sawl lluniau newydd yn yr Oriel. Diweddarwyd y nodiadau technegol am y safle, ac ychwanegwyd dolen i'r ystadegau mynediad a hysbyseb bach i fy nghwmni ymgynhoriaeth TG newydd, sef Technoleg Taliesin Cyf. |
Time flies, doesn't it? Well, after another long delay, here we are with a bunch of changes and additions. Hopefully you will think the wait has been worth while. We have moved to a new domain (www.llangynfelyn.org) and a new hosting service (if you come across any broken links as a result, please let me know). There is a new look to the site, with several important new pages, and a number of interesting and amusing oddments as well. Main additions: Old Cemetery inscriptions: transcript of the gravestones in the churchyard. Finance Act Valuation 1910: the 'Lloyd George Domesday' - who owned every house and field in the parish in 1910. Hanes Ysgol Llangynfelyn 1876-1976: The last seven chapters are now on-line (includes one in English). New Section: Council minutes: Extracts from the minutes of the old Councils and their committees. To start, here are a few bits about Child care, Roads, Education and Public Health New pages: We have added an article by Martha Landers about some people from the area who went to Oregon. Memories of the life of Bishop W B Jones by Frederick Meyrick. Another year of the Cambo - on the eve of the second war - Cambrian News 1938. Order book of the Quarter Sessions 1817-1825. Report on the state of the County Bridges, 1878. Seeveral articles and examples of the work of the poet Deio ab Ieuan Ddu. Logbook of William Hughes County Travelling Shepherd, 1940-41. Other Changes: Brand new site map! A list of (almost) every page on the site. Details of the first car in the parish in 1910. Also, there are a number of new photographs in the Gallery. Updated the technical notes about the site, and added a link to the site access statistics and a small plug for my new IT Consultancy company, Technoleg Taliesin Cyf. |
16 Chwefror / February 2002 | ||
Rhifyn arbenig y Cyfrifiad 1901 Mae'n debyg bod y PRO yn cael tipyn o drafferth gan ceisio rhoi y Cyfrifiad ar-lein. Peidiwch â phoeni - dyma'r Prosiect Hanes Digidol Llangynfelyn i achub y dydd. I'r rhai ohonoch rhy diamynedd i aros am y PRO, dyma adysgrifiad llawn am Llangynfelyn 1901, wedi'i wneud gennyf o'r ffiche gwreiddiol. Diolch yn fawr iuawn i Helen Palmer a'i chydweithwyr am eu cymorth. Peidiwch ag anghofio: gallech chi gweld y Cyfrifiad i Sir Aberteifi oll (am 1841 i 1901), a phentwr o bethau eraill, yn Archifdy Ceredigion ar y Prom yn Aberystwyth (ar agor Llun-Gwener, 10-1, 2-4). Ewch yn llu! Felly, heb mwy o gwastraf amser, dyma fe. |
Special 1901 Census release It appears that the PRO are having a few problems putting the Census on-line. Don't worry, the Llangynfelyn Digital History Project is here to save the day. For those of you who can't wait for the PRO, here is a full transcription for Llancynfelyn 1901, made by me from the actual fiche. Many thanks to Helen Palmer and her colleagues at Ceredigion Archives for their help. Don't forget that you can see the Census for the whole of Cardiganshire (for all years 1841 to 1901), and vast amounts more beside, at the Ceredigion Archives on the Prom in Aberystwyth (open Mon-Fri, 10-1, 2-4). Well worth a visit. So, without more ado, here it is. |
20 Ionawr / January 2002 | ||
Ymddiheuriadau am yr oediad Mae'n dros naw mis ers i ni ychwanegu unrhywbeth at y safle. Sori, ond rydwm wedi bod yn brysur iawn! Gobeithio bydd llawer mwy yn diwyddydd yn ystod 2002 Adran newydd: Hynafiaethau: Dolenau i ddogfennau a lluniau o'r safleoedd cyn-hanesyddol yn y plwyf. Tudalennau newydd: Ychwanegwyd adroddiadau allan o Archeologica Cambrensis i 1847 ac 1873. Cofnod i'r plwyf allan o Cymru: yn hanesyddol, parthedegol a bywgraphyddol, 1875 ynghyd â map o Geredigion o'r un llyfr. Y Cambrian News i 1901, gan cynnwys ysgrif goffa diddorol am John Jones, Penpompren Mochno, adroddiad am ddychweliad bachgen lleol o'r Rhyfel yn Ne Affrica ac achos athrod iraidd! Hefyd, adroddiad o bapur newydd yr "Welshman" yn 1845. Erthygl newydd hir ar hanes yr achos Wesleaidd yn Nhre'r Ddol o'r Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd yn 1871. Gwnaethpwyd y trawsgrifiad i ni gan David Rowlands (D.S. mae cyfeiriad e-bost newydd ganddo). Cyfeiriadau i'r plwyf o'r Llyfrau Gleision (adroddiad ar addysg yn 1847). Y darnau berthnasol o History and Antiquities of the County of Cardigan, gan S R Meyrick, 1810. Trawsgrifiad o Coflech Rhyfel y plwyf. Dyfyniadau o Rolyn Carchar Y Sesiwn Fawr Sir Aberteifi am 1799-1800. Hysbyseb "Wanted" o'r "Sun" am Thomas Thomas ar ôl iddo dianc o garchar Aberteifi, 1800. Hanes Ysgol Llangynfelyn: Rydym wedi cael caniatad i ail-gynhyrchu'r holl llyfr a gyhoeddwyd i ddathlu canmlwyddiant yr ysgol - "Ysgol Llangynfelyn 1876-1976". Rydym yn dechrau gyda'r 3 pennod gyntaf. Mapiau newydd: Map Cymru gan Charles Smith , o'i New English Atlas, 1808. Arolwg Ordnans seithfed cyfres, 1 modfedd, (1948). Map y sir o Cymru: hanesyddol, parthedegol a bywgraphiadol, (1875). Map fach o'r Aberystwyth Guide gan Ward, Lock, tua 1928. Newidiadau mân: Ychwanegwyd erthygl byr am y seryddwr G Parry Jenkins i dudalen Enwogion y Plwyf. Ychwanegwyd sawl bethau i'r dudalen Crwydriaid Amrywiol. |
Apologies for the delay It's over nine months since we added anything to the site. Sorry, but we've been very busy. Hopefully there will be a lot more happening during 2002. New section: Antiquities: Links to documents and pictures of the pre-historic sites in the parish. New pages: Added reports from Archeologica Cambrensis for 1847 and 1873. Entry for the parish from Cymru: yn hanesyddol, parthedegol a bywgraphyddol, 1875 together with a map of Cardiganshire from the same book. The Cambrian News for 1901, including a fascinating obituary of John Jones, Penpompren Mochno, a report of a local lad returning from the Boer War, and a juicy slander case! Also, a report from the "Welshman" newspaper in 1845. A lengthy new article on the history of Wesleyanism in Tre'rddol from Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd in 1871. This was kindly transcribed for us by David Rowlands (N.B. he has a new e-mail address). References to the parish from the Blue Books (report on education in 1847). The relevant bits from S R Meyrick's History and Antiquities of the County of Cardigan, 1810. Transcript of the parish War Memorial. Extracts from the Cardiganshire Court of Great Sessions Gaol Roll for 1799-1800. Wanted Notice from the "Sun" for Thomas Thomas following his escape from jail, 1800. History of the school: we have been given permission to reproduce the whole of a book commemorating the centenary of the school - "Ysgol Llangynfelyn 1876-1976". We start with the first three chapters. New maps: Charles Smith's map of Wales, from his New English Atlas, 1808. 1 inch Ordnance Survey seventh series (1948). County map from Cymru: hanesyddol, parthedegol a bywgraphiadol, (1875). a small map from the Aberystwyth Guide by Ward, Lock of about 1928. Minor changes: Added an entry for astronomer G Parry Jenkins to the Parish Notables page. Added some entries to the Assorted Strays page. |
2 Ebrill / April 2001 | ||
Penblwydd hapus eto Dethlir ail benblwydd y wefan hwn ar 11eg o Ebrill 2001. Erbyn hyn mae dros 300 tudalen ar y safle ac yr ydym yn cael bron 3000 o 'page hits' y mis. Adrannau newydd: Crwydriaid: gwybodaeth am bobl sy' wedi ymadael â'r plwyf, yn cynnwys pobl o Langynfelyn ar y Cyfrifiad 1881 yng gweddill Cymru a Lloegr, a hynafiaid sawl o'n darllenwyr. Prydlesau a gweithredoedd: dogfennau cyfreithiol ynglŷn â brynu a gwerthu tir ac eiddo, yn cynnwys trawsgludiad o dai yn Nhaliesin yn 1880. Tudalennau newydd: Ychwanegwyd Asesiad ardreth y tlodion,1844 Priodasau 1837-1880, o gofrestrau'r plwyf, ewyllys Jane Elizabeth Davies, Penpompren, 1896, manylion sawl arwerthiant tir a nifer o biliau amrywiol o gasliad Evans a Griffin yn LlGC, sawl erthyglau newydd o'r Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd yn cynnwys adroddiad ar Jubili Capel Soaryn 1870. Lluniau newydd: Mae llun o'r plwyf o'r awyr ar gael nawr yn adran mapiau. Hefyd, mae nifer o luniau newydd yn yr 'Oriel', yn cynnwys golygfa panoramig o Gors Fochno. Newidiadau mân: Ychwanegwyd nodyn ar ein polisi ar brifatrwydd. |
Happy birthday again This website celebrates its second birthday on 11th April 2001. There are now over 300 pages on the site and we are receiving nearly 3000 'page hits' a month. New section: Strays: information about people who have left the parish, including people from Llangynfelyn on the 1881 Census in the rest of Wales and England, and ancestors of some fo our readers. Leases and Deeds: legal documents about buying and selling houses and land, including a Conveyance of some houses in Taliesin in 1880. New pages: Added Poor rate assessment,1844 Marriages 1837-1880, from the parish registers, the will of Jane Elizabeth Davies, Penpompren, 1896, details of several land sales and a number of assorted bills from the Evans and Griffin collection in NLW, several new articles from Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd including a report on the Jubilee of Capel Soarin 1870. New pictures: An aerial photograph of the parish is now available in the 'maps' section. Also, there are a number of new photographs in the Gallery, including a panoramic view of Cors Fochno. Minor changes: Added a note on our Privacy policy. |
14 Ionawr / January 2001 |
Blwyddyn a Mileniwm newydd dda i bawb: Tudalennau newydd: Mae Cyfrifiad 1891 ar gael o'r diwedd. Rhaid i ni aros nawr tan y blwyddyn nesaf i weld Cyfrifiad 1901. Cofnodion y Awdurdod Glanweithiol Gwledig Aberystwyth, 1872-1882 Ychwanegwyd erthyglau 1874 i dudalen y Cambrian News. Ychwanegwyd sawl erthyglau i dudalen yr Eurgrawn Wesleaidd. Nodyn byr ar mynychder cyfenwau yn yr ardal. Casgliad Evans a Griffin: Ychwanegwyd nifer o bethau o gasgliad Evans a Griffin yn LlGC, yn cynnwys: llythr trist iawn o Jeremiah Jones, telynwr, Borth, llythyr am hanes y Gwasanaeth Post yn Nhaliesin, 1853, llythr ynglŷn â mwynglawdd Dolclettwr a Llain-hir 1887. Hefyd, o'r un casgliad, Prisiad Arglwyddiaeth Maenor Genau'r Glyn , cyn i 1862. Siop Siarad: Rydym wedi gwneud y safle tipyn mwy 'interactive'. Yn ychwanegol i'r llyfr ymwelwyr, rydym wedi creu Siop Siarad, lle i ni i gyd cael sgyrsiau ar hanes Llangynfelyn. Os oes cwestiynau gennych, dyma'r lle i fynd. Oriel newydd, fwy: Rydym wedi ail-adeiladu yr 'Oriel' - yr adran lle rydym yn rhoi ein casgliad o luniau hen a chyfoes. Rydym wedi rhoi nifer o lluniau newydd ynddi ar yr un pryd. Bydd mwy i ddod yn y dyfodol agos. Sustem mordwyo newydd: Mae cyfleuster morwyo newydd ar gael: nawr, ar ben bob tudalen mae blwch 'tynnu-lawr' gyda cysylltiadau uniongyrchol i lawer o brif adranau y safle. Hefyd mae dolen ar bob tudalen i'r llyfr ymwelwyr a'r siop siarad. Rhaid i chi ddefnyddio porwr gyda 'Javascript' i weld y 'tynnu-lawr'. Os oes problemau, cysylltwch â ni. |
Happy New Year and Millennium to everyone: New pages: The 1891 Census is finally available. Now we have to wait until next year to see the 1901 Census. Minutes of the Aberystwyth Rural Sanitary Authority, 1872-1882 Added the articles for 1874 to the Cambrian News section. Added several items to the 'Eurgrawn' page. a short note on the frequency of surnames in the area. Evans and Griffin collection: Added a number of items from the Evans and Griffin collection in NLW, including: a very sad letter from Jeremiah Jones, harpist, Borth, a letter about the history of the Postal Service in Taliesin, 1853, a letter about the Dolclettwr and Llain-hir mines 1887. Also, from the same collection, a Valuation of the Lordship of the Manor of Genau'r Glyn , pre-1862. Discussion Area: We have made the site a bit more 'interactive'. As well as the guest book, we have created a Discussion Area, where we can all discuss the history of the parish. If you have any questions, here is the place to go. New, larger picture gallery We've re-built the picture gallery - the section where we display our collection of old and contemporary pictures. At the same time we've added a number of new pictures. There are more to come in the near future. New navigation system: A new navigation facility is available: now, at the top of each page is a 'pull-down' box with direct links to many of the main sections of the site. Each page also has a link to the guest book/ discussion area. You need to use a browser with 'Javascript' to see the pull down. If you have a problem, please contact us. |
1 Tachwedd / November 2000 | ||
Tudalennau newydd:
Mae Cyfrifiad 1871 ar gael nawr. Rhestr ymrestriad Milisia Sir Aberteifi, 1827 Ychwanegwyd erthyglau 1873 i dudalen y Cambrian News. Ewyllys Thomas Jones, Gwarcwmbach, 1899. Cofrestr Bedyddiadau gan Azariah Shadrach (Bethel Talybont) 1810-21. Cofrestr Bedyddiadau Cylchdaith Aberystwyth y Wesleaid 1815-37. Dyfyniad newydd o Coelion Cymru amHen Wrach Gors Fochno. Sawl dyfyniadau o'r cylchgrawn Yr Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd. Addysg: Cofnodion Pwyllgor Addysg y sir am 1908-9 a 1922-3, gan gynnwys papur yr arholiad ysgoloriaethau 1922. Mapiau newydd: Map y sir gan Roper Map o'r ffordd o Gaerloyw i Aberystwyth gan Laurie (1827) map y sir gan John Archer (1840). |
New pages:
The 1871 Census is now available. The Enrolment list of the Cardiganshire Militia, 1827 The articles for 1873 have been added to the Cambrian News page. Will of Thomas Jones, Gwarcwmbach, 1899. The Register of Baptisms by Azariah Shadrach (Bethel Talybont) 1810-21. The Register of Baptisms, Aberystwyth Wesleyan Circuit 1815-37. Another extract from Coelion Cymru about Hen Wrach Gors Fochno. Some extracts from the magazine Yr Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd. Education: Minutes of the County Education Committee for 1908-9 and 1922-3, including the scholarship exam paper 1922. New maps: Map of the county by Roper Map of the road from Gloucester to Aberystwyth by Laurie (1827) and a map of the county by John Archer (1840). |
25 Mehefin / June 2000 | ||
Tudalennau newydd:
Mynwent yr Hen Gapel: adysgrifiad a llun o bob carreg coffa. Deddf y Tlodion: Lwfans bwyd a reseitiau, tloty Aberystwyth 1884. Rhestr y tlodion, Mawrth 1884. Llyfr Gorchmynion Cymorth Plwyf 1918. Cofrestr brechu, rhestr genedigaethau, 1854 Ewyllys William Thomas, cof, Tre'r Ddôl, 1849. Erthygl am yr Eglwys gan George E Evans, 1903. Hanes mwyngloddiau'r plwyf gan Absalom Francis,1874 ac adroddiad am Mwynglawdd Taliesin,1857. Newidiadau: Ychwanegwyd erthyglau 1872 i dudalen y Cambrian News. |
New pages:
Yr Hen Gapel Cemetery: transcript and picture of each gravestone. Poor Law: Food allowance and recipes, Aberystwyth Workhouse, 1884. List of paupers, March 1884. Parish Relief Order Book 1918. Vaccination register, list of births, 1854 Will of William Thomas, smith, Tre'r Ddôl, 1849. Article about the church by George E Evans, 1903. History of the parish mines by Absalom Francis,1874 and a report about the Taliesin Mine,1857. Changes: Added articles for 1872 to the Cambrian News page. |
Dyfodol y safle |
Future of the site |
Rydym yn bwriadu bod y safle hwn yn gynnwys rhan fwyaf y brif gofnodion hanesyddol sydd ar gael yngly^n â phlwyf Llangynfelyn, yn arbennig y rhai sydd o ddiddordeb i haneswyr y teulu. Hefyd rydym yn bwriadu cyhoeddi detholiad o ddogfennau sydd ar gael mewn archifdai cyhoeddus, e.e. hen fapiau, ewyllysiau, prydlesau, gohebiaeth a.y.y.b. Rydym yn gweithio ar gofnodi a chyhoeddi manylion y cerrig coffa yn y mynwentydd. Bwriad arall yw arlwyo archif lluniau y plwyf, hen a chyfoesol. Bydd gwaith ar y safle yn parhau am amser hir. Rydym am gyhoeddi fersiwn newydd tua phedair gwaith y flwyddyn, ond byddwn yn ychwanegu dogfennau newydd unigol pa bryd bynnag y maent ar gael. Bydd newidiadau ac ychwanegiadau yn cael eu nodi yn yr adran uchod. Yn y dyfodol agos, rydym am ychwanegu y pethau isod: Os oes gwybodaeth, dogfennau neu luniau gennych yngly^n â Llangynfelyn fel ag yr oedd, neu 'tasech chi am ein helpu ni gyda'r gwaith trawsysgrifio, a fyddech chi'n dod mewn cyswllt ag yr awduron. |
Our plan is that eventually this site should contain the bulk of the main historical public records available concerning the parish of Llangynfelyn, in particular those of interest to family historians. In addition we intend to publish a selection of other documents available in public archives, such as old maps, wills, leases, correspondence etc. as well as recording and publishing the monumental inscriptions on the gravestones in and around the parish. We also aim to provide an archive of photographs of the parish, both historical and contemporary. Work on this site will continue for a long time. We hope to provide a major update every three months or so, but additional documents may be added at any time. Additions and alterations will be noted in the section above. In the short term, we hope to add the following items over the next few months: If you have any information, documents or photographs about Llangynfelyn as it was, or if you would like to assist with the work of transcribing the various records then please get in touch with either of the authors. |
Cwestiynau? Sylwadau? Beth ydych chi'n meddwl am y tudalen hwn a gweddill y wefan? Dywedwch yn y llyfr ymwelwyr. Questions? Comments? What do you think about this page and the rest of the site? Tell us in the guest book. |