Hanes a dogfennau
History & records


Nodiadau technegol


Technical notes

Dylai'r wefan weithio gydag unrhyw porwr cyfredol (Firefox yw'r gorau, tebyg, Get Firefox!, ond unrhywbeth ar ôl Opera 6, Netscape 6.2 neu IE6). Mae'n gweithio i raddau gyda fersiynau cynharaf a meddalwedd arall ond efallai ni fydd sawl nodweddion uwch mor dda. Oherwydd defnydd o 'Style sheets' mae'n tebyg bod olwg y safle yn braidd yn od ar borwyr hŷn. Hefyd, rhaid cael Javascript er mwyn defnyddio sawl nodweddion.

Mae'n ar ei orau ar sgrîn 1024x768(XGA) a 64K-lliw neu fwy, ond dylai 800x600 fod yn iawn.

Fel mae'r amser yn mynd heibio mae'n anodd profi'r wefan mewn pob porwr sydd ar gael: rwyf wedi profi'r newidiadau diweddar gyda nifer o borwyr a sustemau, gan gynnwys WebTV a Lynx. Yn ôl yr ystadegau mynediad, mae hynny yn gynnwys bron bob un o'n defnyddwyr. Er gwaethaf hyn, os ydych chi'n cael problemau yn edrych ar y safle,rhowch wybod i mi ar .

Mae rhan fwyaf y côd yn HTML safonol a Javascript, gyda Perl, PHP a mySQL ar gyfer sawl o'r elfennau rhyngweithiol. Crëwyd y graffeg gyda PaintshopPro. Tynnwyd rhan fwyaf y lluniau ar gamera digidol 2.3 megapixel Ricoh RDC-5300.

Os oes unrhyw sylwadau gennych ynglŷn â'r safle o safbwynt technegol, naill ai cysylltwch â Nigel Callaghan yn uniongyrchol ar , neu adael neges ar ein llyfr ymwelwyr.

Ers datblygiad gwreiddiol y safle, mae Nigel Callaghan (sy'n gyfrifol am agweddau technegol y wefan), wedi sefydlu ei fusnes ymgynghori TG ei hun, sef Technoleg Taliesin Cyf., sy'n darparu ystod eang o wasanaethau TG, gan cynnwys datblygu meddalwedd a gwe, a hyfforddiant technegol. Mae diddordeb arbennig ganddo mewn defnyddioldeb a hygyrchedd gwefanau a systemau dwyieithog. Os yw'r wefan hon i'ch dant chi, a hoffech chi am fwy o fanylion am y cwmni, a sut y gallem roi cymorth i chi gyda'ch prosiect TG, ewch at gwefan Technoleg Taliesin.


This site should work with any fairly recent browser (Firefox is probably best Get Firefox!, but anything from Opera 6, Netscape 6.2 or IE 6 upwards). It works at a basic level with earlier versions and other software, but some advanced features may not be available. As the site uses style sheets, layout in older browsers may be rather odd. Also, several features make use of Javascript.

It is best at 1024x768(XGA) and 64K-colours or better, but 800x600 should be fine.

As time passes it gets harder to test websites in all the available browers: recent changes have been tested with a selection of browsers and systems, including WebTV and Lynx. According to the usage statistics, this covers almost all our users. Despite this, if you are having problems viewing the site, please contact us on to let me know.

The bulk of the code is standard HTML and Javascript, with Perl, PHP and mySQL for some of the interactive elements. Graphics were created with PaintshopPro. Most of the photographs were taken with a Ricoh RDC-5300 2.3 megapixel digital camera.

If you have any comments related to the technical aspects of the site, please contact Nigel Callaghan at or leave a message on our visitors book.

Since the site was first developed, Nigel Callaghan (who is responsible for all the technical aspects of this site) has now set up his own IT Consultancy business, Technoleg Taliesin Cyf., which provides a wide range of IT services, including software and web development and technical training, and has a particular interest in website usability and accessibility and bi-lingual systems. If you like this site, and if you would like more details of the company, and how they may be able to help you in your IT project, please go to the Technoleg Taliesin website.


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