Mae nifer fawr o bobl wedi ymweld â Llangynfelyn dros y canrifoedd: ei safle ar y brif ffordd ar hyd yr arfordir rhwng y De a'r Gogledd sicrheuodd hynny. Ysgrifennodd rhai o'r teithwyr hyn dyddiaduron â disgrifiadau eu teithiau ynddynt. Hefyd, y mae nifer o gyhoeddiadau sy'n cynnig ar wneud disgrifiad o bob un dref a phentref yn y wlad, ac weithiau y mae disgrifiad Llangynfelyn ynddynt. Y mae nodiadau byrion mewn sawl cyfeirlyfrau masnachol hefyd. |
Over the centuries many people have visited Llangynfelyn: its position on the main coast road between North and South Wales ensured that. Some of these travellers kept diaries and described their journeys. There have also been a number of publications which attempt to describe all the towns and villages of the country, and these often include Llangynfelyn and its communities. Trade directories often included brief notes on a community as well. |